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Spremembe pri "Socialna stanovanja za migrante"

Avatar Katja Utrosa


  • +{"sl"=>"SOCIAL HOUSING FOR MIGRANTS", "de"=>"", "en"=>"", "fr"=>"", "it"=>"", "tr-TR"=>"", "ar-SA"=>"", "fa-IR"=>"", "uk"=>"", "bs"=>"", "hr"=>"", "sr-CS"=>""}


  • +["<p>Social housing for refugees, especially for refugees with families and many children (3 children +).</p><p>The conditions on the free market and rent prices are so high that families find themselves in a very</p><p>stressful situation. Please remind them how many years you have been living in Ljubljana and how</p><p>much is your rent, just to give an example. Also, put an accent on the possibility of creating</p><p>programs by MUNICIPALITY that would partly support big refugee and migrant families to cover</p><p>utility costs on one side. By this, the psychological condition of parents and consequently of their</p><p>children will be better.</p>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]