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Strengthening the role of migrants in integration and integration policies

May - Jun
31 - 01
  • Ljubljana
    Mestni trg 1, 1000 Ljubljana
  • 10:00 AM - 14:30 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - Mestni trg 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

The conference “Strengthening the Role of Migrants in Integration and Integration Policies” at the MOL was held on Wednesday, 31 May 2023, at City Hall — CLUB 15 (Mestni trg 1, Ljubljana).

Cultural Society of Gmajna and Community of Municipalities of Slovenia.


Short presentation of MOL activities in the field of migrants and a brief presentation of all gathered [10:00 - 10:15]

10.00 — 10.15 Brief presentation of MOL activities in the field of migrants and a brief presentation of all gathered

Presentation of the establishment and operation of the Graz Migrant Integration Council (Ms Graz) Irina Karamarković and Mr. Godswill Eyawo) [10:15 - 11:45]

10.15 — 11.45 Presentation of the establishment and operation of the Graz Migrant Integration Council (Ms Graz) Irina Karamarković and Mr. Godswill Eyawo


Snack break [11:45 - 12:30]

11.45 — 12.30 Snack break

Presentation of migrants (migrant communities) in cooperation with KD Gmajna, Association Intercultural Dialogue, Institute Afrika vas, Cultural Society Danilo Kiš and Infokolpa, familiarization with the issues and discussion [12:30 - 14:15]

12.30 — 14.15 Presentation of migrants (migrant communities) in cooperation with KD Gmajna, Association Intercultural Dialogue, Afrika vas Institute, Danilo Kiš Cultural Society and Infokolpa, familiarization with the issues and discussion

Completion of the workshop [14:15 - 14:30]

14.15 — 14.30 Closing of the workshop


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